Client Directed Portfolio Strategy

To implement a successful strategy, you will need some simple rules to minimise risk and whilst these limits are not set in concrete, they are guidelines to assist you in building a more robust portfolio to ensure that you will achieve your goals.

Listed Investment Companies, Exchange Traded Funds, and similar vehicles that hold a portfolio of investments managed by a professional investment team maybe selected as a single holding.

Term deposits will also be accepted as a single holding.

All other selections will be limited to 20% of the portfolio at the time of purchase.

I/We confirm that we do not require Price Financial Intelligence Pty Ltd (Licensee) to assess the adequacy of this investment in relation to our personal circumstances and acknowledge that the Authorised Representative and Licensee will receive an ongoing a fee for placing these investments.

We further acknowledge Price Financial Intelligence Pty Ltd (Licensee) has not provided any advice in relation to the products to be implemented other than general advice only.

Client Signature


Client Signature

In providing this service, PFI will be arranging on your behalf as our client to apply for, and acquire, a range of financial products. These may include financial products in the form of a bank deposit account, Managed Investment Scheme, Superannuation interests and securities. PFI holds appropriate AFSL authorities to offer these services.

PFI’s financial product advice is factual information and is statement of opinion on the suitability of a particular investment which may or may not be suitable for inclusion in your Client Directed Portfolio.

In providing general advice PFI, the advice provider does NOT take into account your own objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider if the advice is appropriate for you before acting on it.

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